Art Studio and Pond - Changing Light
In winter, the sun rises right next to Mount Rainier. It’s so spectacular that I have to restrain myself from trying to capture every nuance through the lens of my camera, and just sit back and enjoy.
However, you’ll be happy to know that I do take snap shots with my phone… a lot. Here are a few spectacular colors:
My son-in-law carried his tea out onto the deck to drink in the sunrise
View through the branches of our rhodies
Love how the lights under the deck are aligned with the overhang lights - another artistic detail by Dan Harp of Mark The Pond Guy
Minutes after I took the photo above, fog rolled in creating a mystic scene painted with blue light
Note how the sunrise seems to surround my studio - truly the light inside is spectacular!
A hummingbird dances in and out of the waterfall backlit by the early morning sun
Though it faces East, the western sunset is reflected off the clouds and into my pond
And though day is stunning, the colors at night are so dramatic
Rain on our Studio tin roof can be deafening (in a good way), and we’ve had some doozers - love how the raindrops bounce off the surface of the pond
I can’t wait until we have a really nice snow storm. Here is a tiny taste of what it will look like