Each day is filled with the possibility of joy!
Make creating joy a daily habit in this on-line workshop
It’s easy to visualize being joyful on a dream vacation, or when you’re celebrating a big accomplishment. But it’s the little, everyday moments that can make all the difference – when you create joy in your day-to-day life, Voila! You’ve got a Joy-Filled Life!
Seek Beauty • Create Joy™ will give you the tools you need to create a Joy-filled LIFE!
Joy can be learned!
Wanna know a little secret?
People who go through life with a cup-half-full, have learned how to do so. Some learn early in life, for the rest of us, it takes a bit more time. But no matter where you are in the cup-half-full / half-empty spectrum, YOU can learn how to fill your own cup starting now.
In Seek Beauty • Create Joy, you’ll learn how to focus on joy even when life throws you curve balls. You’ll learn how to listen to your body, and zoom in to the world around you to find beauty in every day things. You’ll learn powerful techniques to turn your narrative from negative to positive, and even how to turn upset into joy. By the end of our course you’ll choreograph your own personal formula to create joy-filled days and feel empowered to spread your joy with others
Would you like to join us? Click the link below to dive right in:
It isn’t because life is easy that I’ve learned how to dance along a colorful path — But because life is hard
I created this course for you, not because I’m an easy-going, sail-through-life-with-rose-colored-glasses kind of girl. Not at all. I’m often a mess. I’m passionate, deeply empathetic and sensitive, a perfectionist, a work-aholic, a play-aholic, a walking contradiction, with deep mood swings and a tendency to take things personally. I struggle with invisibility, with feelings of inadequacy and all of the gamut of emotions that come with being on the sensitive side of passionate.
I have to work at seeking beauty and creating joy. And because I do, I’ve come up with powerful lessons and exercises that not only work for me, but empower me and have been the driving force in my self reinvention from engineer to artist, with five books and world-wide art sales under my belt.
The key isn’t to try and be joyful all of the time — rather to find joyful moments sprinkled throughout each day!
Join me on a journey into JOY
You deserve a joy-filled life too
I’d be honored to share what I know with you – that it IS possible to create joy-filled moments every day.
Seek Beauty • Create Joy™ on-line workshop is now available for instant access!
It’s filled with personal stories of how I’ve created a positive narrative, turned my upset into joy, and actively found beauty in the world around me.
Is this a mindfulness practice? Yes!
Is this a self-care practice? Yes!
But oh so much more… an eye-opening, fun-filled journey into joy!
“You have a gift for both writing—there is a calming rhythm to your words, and teaching—you say it in a way that makes it easy to understand. Thank you! Thank you! I’ve used your words and ideas for my patients struggling with anxiety about their illness. Your class has been very helpful for me through all of this. I feel better.”
Each day is filled with the possibility of joy – all you have to do is open your eyes to the beauty in each moment, and allow joy in
Our Seek Beauty • Create Joy™ journey includes:
Six Modules filled with uplifting practices to help you find the beauty all around you and create your own joy
Over 30 lessons with personal stories and thoughtful insights
Powerful Joy-Filled Exercises to help you hone your skills at seeking beauty and creating joy
Lessons are both recorded and written, so you can absorb by watching me, reading or both
A gentle, empowering community of like-minded people
A relaxed pace—you’ll have instant access and can work through at your own pace
Easy exercises to fill your body with natural joy hormones
Techniques to help you focus on the beauty in your daily life
Walking through your daily schedule to choreograph a day filled with joy
Some of us seem to waltz through life naturally joyful, always seeing the positive, the glass half-full. For the rest of us, it doesn’t come naturally. It is a conscious decision each day. Each moment. Each situation.
“Beverly! You’ve touched me, my heart, my creative spot and put the light into my life again by pulling me into this new path, by taking my hand and leading me into your amazing class”
A sneak peak at the Modules:
Your body has so much wisdom to share with you – all you need to do is listen
In Module 1: Your Innate Wisdom, you will learn how to pay attention to your intuition and the subtle messages your body is telling you. We will practice some fun, easy exercises that will give you a straight-shot of Joy!
The most beautiful, exciting journey is your own – focus on the path and find joy in each moment
In Module 2: Zoom In To The World Around You, you’ll begin noticing joy-filled details in your everyday life, and create personal sanctuary spots and joyful collections of beauty.
“The message today is going straight to my heart. ‘We forget that the most beautiful, exciting journey is our own!’ This is what I needed to hear this morning!”
Do you shut down your dreams with negative self-talk?
I’ve been there too – but have learned how to overcome those negative voices in my head. I can’t wait to share with you a simple, effective way to turn off your negative self-talk. We will learn this and oh so much more in Module 3: Choosing a Narrative of Kindness.
How you choose to respond makes the difference between upset and joy
Sometimes bad stuff happens to good people. But the beauty is – we can make the decision each day, each moment and in each situation to find some goodness, some beauty. We can’t necessarily turn a bad situation good, but we can choose how we react to it. In Module 4: From Upset To Joy, we will find a glimmer of positive and from that, create a spark of joy even in upsetting situations.
“I am amazed at how you zero in on questions to ask, to help explore the feelings or thoughts. Thank you!”
Each day is filled with the possibility of joy – all you have to do is let it in
Module 5: Create A Joy-Filled Day is the golden nugget! Here is where you’ll pull all of the hard work and joy-filled exercises together into a moment-by-moment practice to create a day that’s filled with JOY.
You can make a positive difference in the world
In Module 6: Spreading Joy, you’ll explore fun ways to spread the joy that you create.
I hope you join us!
Because you deserve a joy-filled life!
Seek Beauty • Create Joy™
let’s dive in
Give a Gift of Love
Seek Beauty • Create Joy also makes a heartfelt gift for the people you love. If you would like to give this class to someone on your list, you can do so below and I’ll take care of the rest!
Happiness Guarantee
I’ve put my heart and soul into making Seek Beauty • Create Joy uplifting and powerful and life changing!
And I’m so confident that you will love this class that I’m offering a 100% guarantee: If you listen to all the lessons and do all the prompts, and the class doesn’t make you feel happier and more joyful, then I’ll give your money back!
Some scholarships available
I’m here for you – my goal is that first and foremost, you find ways to reduce your stress and focus on the beauty in your life. If Seek Beauty • Create Joy is calling to your heart, then I want to make sure finances don’t stand in your way when our next class begins.
I’ve set aside some scholarships – if finances are tight, but you really want to join us, then simply send me a note (by clicking on the button below) and let me know why you think this class is exactly what you need right now!
*Let’s Make a Difference
I believe that small acts by many people can make an enormous difference in someone’s life. That when we send ripples of positivity, hope and support out into the world, we uplift and empower others who might not otherwise have a path open to them.
With every Seek Beauty • Create Joy purchase, I am honored to donate a portion of the proceeds to National Domestic Violence Hotline. If ever there was a time to help vulnerable people, now is it. Thank you for making a difference!